Creating a Control Bar

Follow these steps to create a Control Bar:

  1. Click Open General Dialogue Open General Dialogue  icon on the main PROIV toolbar.

  2. Select the New tab.

  3. Click Control BarControl Bar icon  icon.

  4. On the Name the new Control bar window, enter a name for the Control Bar. The Control Bar name cannot contain spaces.

  5. Select a type for Control Bar. You can choose Toolbar, Drop-down menu or Right Click menu. See Control Bar Types for more information

  6. Enter a full description of the Control Bar.

  7. Click OK.

  8. The Maintain Control Bar Definition window displays. You can configure further details about the Control Bar. The fields which display on this window are determined by the Control Bar type you are creating.




Enter a full description of the Control Bar.


Displays the type of the Control Bar. See Control Bars for more information. Depending on the Control Bar selected, different fields are displayed.

Dock Toolbar

Forces the docking of the toolbar.

Available to Menu Bar

If the check box is selected, the drop down menu Control Bar appears on the main menu bar. It is advisable to leave the Available to Menu Bar check box unchecked for sub menus for the sake of clarity.


Enter the text that is rendered, i.e. the text displayed on a drop down menu.


Displays if the Control Bar is a Toolbar.


Determines whether the toolbar belongs to the client and is rendered below the standard client toolbar


Determines whether the toolbar is rendered in the pop-up window it is referenced in.

  1. On the Action Controls tab, you can define which Action Controls are included on the Control Bar.

  2. Click Add to display the Assign Action to control bar window.

  3. Select the appropriate Action Control and click the Select to assign the Action Control to the Control Bar.

  4. Alternatively if you want to change or ‘overload’ the properties of an Action Control, select the Action Control on the Maintain Control Bar Definition window.

  5. Click Properties to set the Action Control properties. For more information see the Creating an Action Control section

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Topic ID: 500497