To access the ActiveX control definition select the ActiveX object in your function and click on the Properties for Current Selected Object icon in the toolbar.

The Fields in this Window:

Control Reference

Control Id - Select the PROIV Nickname from the drop-down list. The control’s description appears.

Tag Id - The Tag by which the control is referenced in the function. This should be made meaningful, to make the function more readable.

Control Appearance - The position and rectangle where the control is rendered.

Row - Row on which the control appears.

Column - Column in which the control appears.

Height- Height of the control in characters.

Width - Width of the control in characters.

Control Event Points (Dynamic Items Only) - The 2 logic points that are available for dynamic ActiveX controls.

On Focus- Logic ID (1-255) of the logic to be executed on gaining focus. Click icon at the side of the field to display the Logic Editor.

Lost Fcus - Logic ID (1-255) to be executed on losing ficus. Click icon at the side of the field to display the Logic Editor.

AX Description - Click this to display the control’s details, including properties, events and methods. This information comes from the control itself, not from PROIV.

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Topic ID: 500003