Locating Where Items are Used

Recordings, Tests, Run Connectors, Saved Rules and Comparator Groups can all be referenced by other objects. The Where Used functionality enables you to view a list of objects that reference the selected object.

The functionality is multi-level, so the following data is shown for each Object Type:

Object Type

Displayed Columns in the Where Used window


Suite, Test, Order



Run Connector

Suite, Test

Saved Rule

Suite, Test,  Recording, Step

Comparator Group

Suite, Test

Note: Not all columns will have an entry. For example, if a Connector is held against a Suite, the Test column for that row is blank.

You can maintain the properties of the objects by selecting the relevant row and clicking the Properties. It is important to note that the parent object of the selected object appears. For example, if the row contains a Suite and Test, the Test is opened because this is the parent object, the Suite is the grandparent.

To locate where objects are used in PROIV Assure, follow these steps:

  1. Click Admin Options Admin options icon on the PROIV Assure Toolbar. Alternatively, select the Admin option from the PROIV Assure Menu.

  2. Select the Where Used Options menu option.
    The Where Used window appears.

  1. Select the Object Type that you want to locate from the Where Used Type drop-down list.

  2. The drop-down list below the Where Used Type drop-down list is determined by the Object Type selection. Select the relevant Object Name from the drop-down list.

  3. Click Search to run the object search. The results are displayed and note that the visible columns are determined by the selected Object Type.

  1. You can click the Properties to view the properties of the selected object.

  2. You can also click the Print to display the Where Used Report. The report displays in a window and can be printed if required. In addition, you can save the report by selecting the File menu, and selecting the Save Report option.

  3. Click Cancel to exit the Where Used window.

Fields on the Where Used window:



Where Used Type

Select the Object Type from the Where Used Type drop-down list.

Object Name drop-down list (depends on Object Type)

The drop-down list's contents are determined by the Where Used Type drop-down list selection.




Click Search to run the search for selected object.


Click Print to run the Where Used Report.


Click Properties to display the properties of the selected object.

It is important to note that the parent object of the selected object appears. For example, if the row contains a Suite and Test, the Test is opened because this is the parent object, the Suite is the grandparent.


Click Cancel to exit the Where Used window.

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Topic ID: 780022