
.HeadingStrikeout enables you to strikeout the text used in a column heading. This property can be applied to the column headers used in certain objects and can be specified on a per column basis.

(Open Client only)


Setting:          ObjectReference.HeadingStrikeout = Value

Retrieving:     Variable = ObjectReference.HeadingStrikeout


ObjectReference is the Tag Name of the object
is the setting for the Strikeout property (TRUE or 1 = strikeout, FALSE or 0 = normal)
Variable is a numeric variable


The Strikeout property causes the text to be displayed with a line through it.


To set the .HeadingStrikeOut property for a column header in a combo box with a Tag Name of CustomerName with a line through it:

CustomerName.HeadingStrikeOut = TRUE

To retrieve the .HeadingStrikeOut property value from a combo box with a Tag Name of CustomerName:

#CUSTOMERNAME = CustomerName.HeadingStrikeOut



Note: This property applies only to PROIV Open Client and not to the PROIV MFC Client.


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Topic ID: 510153