Logic Editor



Configures the way in which the Logic Editor works.

  1. Select the Developer menu and select Options.

  2. Select Logic Editor option.

  3. Make any necessary changes.

  4. Click OK to save the changes.



Display Warnings for Undefined Scratch Variables

Defines whether PROIV Developer displays a warning symbol against any logic lines that contain undefined scratch variables. You can click upon these warning symbols to display a list of all undefined scratch variables on the corresponding logic line and can optionally enter definitions for them.

The default value is True.

Exit Logic after Saving

Defines whether the Logic Editor closes after the Save has been clicked.

True - The Logic Editor closes down after the logic has been saved.

False - The Logic Editor remains open after saving, enabling incremental saves of changes to the text or bookmarks.

The default value is True.

Logic Validation Model

Defines when the logic validated:

Line Parser - Logic is validated after each line has been entered and you are immediately notified of errors and undefined scratch variables. This is the default setting.

On Save - The entire logic is validated when the Save is clicked and you are then notified of any errors or undefined scratch variables. See the Parse on Save - Limit and Parse on Save - Limit Exceeded Action options for further configuration relating to the On Save option.

Background - Logic will be validated in the background following a save and the developer will not be notified immediately of errors or undefined scratch variables.(Requires Batch mode to be enabled)

Parse on Save-Limit

Only applies when the logic validation model is set to On Save which parses the entire logic for errors or undefined scratch variables upon saving.

Parsing large logics can take some time (dependent upon server specification,system load, etc.) so this option permits a maximum number of lines to be defined to limit how large a logic may be and still be parsed in this way.

If the logic contains more lines than this value then the logic will either be saved and then parsed in the background, or alternatively you can trigger a message (see below) which gives the choice of parsing the logic during a save, or parsing in the background after it has been saved.

The default value is 0 (no limit) and the maximum value is 9999.

Parse on Save - Limit Exceeded Action

Only applies when the logic validation model is set to On Save and when the logic exceeds the number of lines defined in the Parse On Save - Limit option.

This option defines whether the logic is saved and then parsed in the background, or whether a message displays to give the choice of parsing the logic during a save, or parsing in the background after it has been saved.

The default value is to Display Warning Dialogue.

Prompt for New Scratch Variables

Determines whether you are prompted to define any new scratch variables entered into the logic.

The default value is True.

Style to display Line Error/Warning Messages

Defines how line error or warning messages are displayed when you click on its margin symbol.

CodeTip - Displays the message in a tooltip style just below the relevant logic line. This is the default value.

Dialogue - Displays the message in a pop-up window.


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Topic ID: 500511