Dynamics View for Screen Functions



In this view you can see all the cycles in the function with different coloured boxes making the nested structure of the cycles clear. Within each cycle, all the objects that have a dynamic effect on the PROIV timing cycle are displayed.

The Object column displays the tag name for each object and the Object Type icons. For each cycle, the possible modes - A(dd), I(nsert), C(hange), L(ookup), D(elete) – are listed, with the permitted modes shown in bold, and the default mode in bold red.

Where appropriate, the variable providing the data for an object is shown in the Data Source column. Row, Col, Height and Width columns show the location and size of the object. Where Row and Col do not indicate an absolute position (in paging screen cycles), a check box in the A column is used to indicate where an absolute position is required.

If there is a window associated with the field, the tag name of the window (for local windows) or the function name (for global windows) is shown in the final column.

Each object shown in the Dynamics View has a corresponding select box at the far left of the screen. These are used to select objects when building a clipboard fragment.

Displaying an Object’s Properties

To access an object's properties, select the Change view icon to display the Object Properties Grid. This displays the object's properties which can be directly selected and amended.

Note: Setting the Enable Object Properties in Views option in the Developer Options window ensures that the icon appears in the Development Views.

Alternatively select the object, and then click theChange viewicon on the PROIV Developer Toolbar to display the selected object properties.

Expanding the Dynamics View

Click Expand Detail icon in the bottom toolbar to expand the view so that it shows all the file accessors within each cycle. For each File Accessor, the display shows the File Accessor mode in each of the permitted modes for the cycle.

Click Contract Detail icon on the bottom toolbar to contract an expanded view.

Click Redisplay Structure from Current Object icon on the bottom toolbar to re-display the contents of the view, starting with the current object shown at the top of the screen.

Adding New Objects

Select an object and click the Add Objects After Current Selection icon on the toolbar to add new components to the function, below the selected object.

Changing an Object Type

Double-click on the Object Type icon to open the Morph Object To window. To change the object’s type, double-click on the new object type in the Morph Object To window. The Property Sheet for the new object type opens so that you can redefine the object’s properties. If it is not possible to change the object type then the double-click does nothing.

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Topic ID: 500124