![]() DCOUNT |
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Trail: PROIV Documentation > Developer > PROIV Developer > Developing Functions > Events and Logic > DCOUNT
Purpose |
DCOUNT counts the occurrences of delimiters in a string. |
Syntax |
variable = DCOUNT (operand1,operand2) |
Operation |
operand1 is any valid alphanumeric string |
Remarks |
DCOUNT counts the number of occurrences of any of the characters within operand2 that occur in operand1. |
Example |
#A = DCOUNT (“HELLO,WORLD",“,")......................gives #A = 1 #A = DCOUNT (“HELLO,WORLD",“Z").....................gives #A = 0 #A = DCOUNT (“,",“,")..........................................gives #A = 1 #A = DCOUNT (“ROGER, ANDY AND FRANK",“ ,")....gives #A = 4 #A = DCOUNT(“ROGER, ANDY AND FRANK",“,")......gives #A = 1 |
Topic ID: 520039