PROIV Object Overview

The section describes the PROIV Namespace and object interface which constitute the PROIV Object.

PROIV Namespace

The Open Client namespace is called ‘proiv’. All Open Client objects in the browser are held in the global ‘proiv’ object in the document. This object is created before any other JavaScript code is loaded or executed, and is always available.

The Open Client and any plugins should not create any other global objects unless these are part of a third party library namespace.

Note: It is important to note if an object name contains any special characters (characters that have a special meaning in the JavaScript language syntax such .=-*+) then the name must be used as a quoted string.[‘My.Tree-Control’]



The second string causes an error because of the minus sign, and due to the full stop after ‘My’. The full stop causes an error as this references a separate object called ‘My’ that does not exist.

The PROIV Object interface has a number of properties and functions that can be used by any Plugin objects.

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