Plugin Messages


Open Client Administration  

Plugin Messages

A plugin can send messages to the Open Client, or to other plugins using the OpenAjax HubOpenAjax Hub (The OpenAjax Alliance describes the OpenAjax Hub as the following: "The OpenAjax Hub is a set of standard JavaScript functionality defined by the OpenAjax Alliance that addresses key interoperability issues that arise when multiple Ajax libraries are used within the same web page." Copyright 2007-2008 OpenAjax Alliance  "OpenAjax Hub 1.0 Specification." OpenAjax Alliance Wiki, 14 December 2009. Web. 29 February 2012.) that is shipped with Open Client.

Sending Messages

To send a message, the widget uses the OpenAjax Hub Publish function.

Publish Function




Publishes a message.


name is the name of the message.

message is a message object. The contents depend on the message type.


Return value:

This function has no return value.     


OpenAjax.hub.publish("proiv.message", {});

The name property identifies the message type. Refer to the section Plugin Object Definition for more details for the message types that are available to the plugin.

Receiving Messages

To receive messages, the widget uses the OpenAjax Hub Subscribe function.

Subscribe Function




Subscribe (or listen) for messages with the specified name.


name is the name of the message.

Callback is the Callback function that accepts the message.

scope is an optional scope object used for the Callback function.

subscriberData is optional subscriber data.

filter is an optional Filter function called before the Callback function.


Return value:

An object that uniquely identifies the subscription.


var subscribeHandle = OpenAjax.hub.subscribe("proiv.message", msgFunc, this, {}, filterFunc);

The OpenAjax Hub Unsubscribe function allows the widget to stop receiving messages.

Unsubscribe Function




Unsubscribe (or stop listening) for messages.


subscriptionHandle – the unique identifier returned by the subscription.


Return value:

This function has no return value



The Callback function is given a scope (the ‘this’ object) of the defined scope object or the window object if the scope parameter is not defined. The Callback function parameters are name, message and subscriberData (this is null if not defined). The Filter function is called in the same way as the Callback function.

Open Client Messages

Open Client subscribes to the following OpenAjax messages so that a plugin can pass information or requests to the Open Client.


OpenAjax.hub.publish("proiv.message.disconnect", {widgetID:"proiv_disconnect"});

This message terminates the current PROIV session.


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Topic ID: 800071