Maintain Security Profiles

   PROIV Aurora Help

This section describes the procedure for creating a Security Profile. Security Profiles determine the Menu Options that the user can see. The main menu structure is defined once by the System Administrator and the Security Profiles are used to determine what the user can see on the system menu. All Security Profiles initially have a Logon menu defined. Any further Menu Options and submenus must be enabled or disabled to control what appears or hidden.

For further information about the Menu Definition Workflow, see the Security and Menu Definition Workflow topic (Topic ID 810111) in Aurora's Full Help System

To create a Security Profile, follow these steps:

  1. Click New Task Selection Icon icon. The Menu screen appears.

  2. Select the Security option.

  3. Select the Maintain Security Profiles option.

  4. The Maintain Security Profiles window appears.

  5. Enter the name of the Security Profile in the Security Profile drop-down list.

  6. Enter a descriptive name for the Security Profile in the field adjacent to the Security Profile drop-down list

  7. Select the logon menu from the Logon Menu drop-down list. Every Security Profile must have an initial Logon menu defined and the options enabled. Any further Menu Options and submenus must be enabled or disabled to control what appears or hidden.

  8. Select an Access Profile from the Access Profile drop-down list, if required. An Access Profile determines the times of day, days, and dates that the Operators are allowed to access the system. They can be optionally assigned to a Security Profile, which in turn is linked to an Operator Group. Groups are assigned to Operators and therefore their access to the system can be restricted.

  9. Configure the menu access for the Security Profile by selecting the check boxes beneath the E column for the different Menu.

 Note: Remember to enable the Menu Options otherwise they are not displayed when the Operator logs on with the Operator Group associated with the Security Profile.

Field Descriptions



Security Profile

Type in a name for the Security Profile.


Logon Menu

Select a Menu to determine which options the user can see.


Access Profile

Select an Access Profile to associate with the Security Profile

Tree view

Displays a tree view of the selected menu. Select the menu branch to enable or disable Menu Options for the Security Profile in the left hand section.

Column Headers



Displays the unique automatically generated sequence number of the Menu Option.

Option Id.

Displays the Option ID of the Menu Option.


Determines the type of Menu item. ‘X’ indicates that is option is a PROIV Function or Function Route, a Folder icon indicates that the option is a Menu, and a line icon refers to separator.


Displays the description of the Menu item.


Enable the check box to display (enable) the Menu Option.

Fast Path

Allows the user to go directly to an option rather than navigating through the menu structure.

Enable All

Click the Enable All to enable all the options for the selected Menu.

Disable All

Click the Disable All to disable all the options for the selected Menu.




Click the Exit to close the screen.


Click the Save to save the Security Profile.


Click the Cancel to cancel any changes to the Security Profile.


Click the New to create a new Security Profile.


Click the Delete to delete the selected Security Profile.

  1. Click Save to save the details, or click the Cancel to cancel any changes.

  2. Click Exit to close the Maintain Security Profiles screen.


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Topic ID: 810104