Check Status of Locks

   PROIV Aurora Help

Soft Locking is a record-based locking system used to restrict access to screens and data to ensure that only one Operator can access the area at a time. It provides an alternative to keeping records open in Change mode and using PROIV’s record-locking logic to restrict access. Soft Locks can be viewed and removed on the Check Status of Locks screen. When sessions are terminated or a lock left behind, you can remove the lock and release the screen for others to use. Soft Locks are not automatically removed. It is the developer’s responsibility to add code to their functions to manage the locks. If functions are coded to remove locks when exited or when the lock is no longer required, then the lock record is deleted and does not appear on the Check Status of Locks screen.

To view lock information, follow these steps:

  1. Click New Task Selection Icon icon. The Menu screen appears.

  2. Select the Security option.

  3. Select the Check Status of Locks option.

  4. The Check Status of Locks screen appears.

Field Descriptions



Column Headers



Displays the lock type. This is determined by the developer and set in the Type Key as mentioned above.


Displays the lock description. This is determined by the developer and set in the Description Key as mentioned above.


Displays the area of the lock. This is determined by the developer and set in the Reference ID Key as mentioned above.


Displays Operator using the locked area.


Displays time when the area was locked.


Displays date when the area was locked


Displays the function name of the locked area.


Displays the terminal or session ID that set the lock.




Click the Exit to close the Check Status of Locks screen.


Click the Refresh to refresh the Check Status of Locks screen.


Select the Soft Lock record and click the Delete to remove the lock.


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Topic ID: 810089