If startkey or endkey is shorter than the record key with which it is being compared, it is right padded with nulls.

Record keys may include a CO-DIV code; run iskeys to determine the exact format.

If isout is entered without any parameters, on-line help appears for the utility.

Example 1

isout cust1.out -e0025 custs.pro
isout ------ PROIV (R) Create platform independent file from selected database file(s).
Copyright (C) 1994, PROIV Technology, Inc.
All rights reserved.  Unauthorized use strictly prohibited.
PROIV Version   : 4.0000  Revision:  1.0.0

custs.pro: 25 records

isout cust2.out -s0026 custs.pro
isout ------ PROIV (R) Create platform independent file from selected database file(s).
Copyright (C) 1994, PROIV Technology, Inc.
All rights reserved.  Unauthorized use strictly prohibited.
PROIV Version   : 4.0000  Revision:  1.0.0

custs.pro: 25 records

The first command copies the records from the start of the file, up to and including record 25, into 'cust1.out'.  The second command copies the records from and including record 26, up to the end of the file, into 'cust2.out'.

Example 2

isout temp.out custs.pro cinvhdr.pro
isout ------ PROIV (R) Create platform independent file from selected database file(s).
Copyright (C) 1994, PROIV Technology, Inc.
All rights reserved.  Unauthorized use strictly prohibited.
PROIV Version   : 4.0000  Revision:  r1.0.0

custs.pro: 50 records
cinvhdr.pro: 104 records

Copies all the records in the ‘custs.pro’ and cinvhdr.pro’ files into the sequential file ‘temp.out’.

Example 3

isout data.out *.pro
isout ------ PROIV (R) Create platform independent file from selected database file(s).
Copyright (C) 1994, PROIV Technology, Inc.
All rights reserved.  Unauthorized use strictly prohibited.
PROIV Version   : 4.0000  Revision:  1.0.0

serv.pro: 77 records

Copies the records in all PROIV files into the sequential file 'data.out'.

Example 4

isout data.out -e0025 *.pro
isout ------ PROIV (R) Create platform independent file from selected database file(s)
Copyright (C) 1994, PROIV Technology, Inc.
All rights reserved.  Unauthorized use strictly prohibited.
PROIV Version   : 4.0000  Revision:  1.0.0

Copies the records in all PROIV files into the sequential file 'data.out', the key range is applied to only the first file in the *.pro list.

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Topic ID: 720186